Thursday, September 13, 2007

Somewhere between Bush Pt. and Lagoon Pt.

Bill & Rob spent most of the day paddling in the fog. The Sound was absolutely flat not a breeze on the water. They could hear the ships in the shipping channel of Puget Sound but were safely on the shore of Whidbey, so it was not a cause of concern. According to Rob's GPS they traveled 21 miles today. They left Mukilteo around 7:40am and got to their camp between Bush and Lagoon Points about 6 hours later. They saw loads of shore birds, porpoise and seals on the trip. Also a first was several pelicans they paddled by today. On one occasion a set of sea lions put on a show, they were jumping out of the water attempting to catch fish.

I've attached a Google Earth satellite photo with a pin showing their approximate location.

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