Saturday, August 25, 2007

Whidbey Circumnavigation

Planning Sessions: Sept 3 2007: We have had two planning sessions to discuss tides and currents, camping options, 'what if scenarios', shared responsibilities and of course that we are still both comfortable with the chosen route and the mileage required to keep on plan. This information will be captured and shared on our float plan. In preparation for this paddle I have worked a couple of 'on the water' rescues/recoveries sessions and paddled four consecutive days of 15k + paddles just to see how the muscles feel. I don't think the mileage will be a problem although I did feel some tender muscles after the fourth day. During my preparation paddles my focus has been the mental aspect of the paddle, attempting to concentrate on technique and form. Next week I plan a few long paddles, work another rescue/recovery session and finalize float plan details. I think I'm good to go!
I have packed and re-packed for the trip, focusing on minimizing weigth, just taking what's necessary and nothing else.

The Paddle Plan: August 20, 2007 Rob and I will launch from the waterfront park in Mukilteo, Washington on Thursday September 13, 2007 in the 07:00 timeframe and paddle up the westside of Whidbey Island. Paddling the westside first we will get the exposed and longer "trip legs" out of the way. The westside is a bit more tricky as there are a fewer places to camp legally, so we may just have to stroll in at dusk. The east side of the island offers more options to optimize travel should conditions become problematic plus we can take advantage of campsites and bailout points on both Whidbey Island and neighboring Camano Island. We plan on taking five days, enjoying the water, sites, smells and wild life and the freedom from the 'norm' this trip will provide for us. This is not a race (second largest island in the continental United States)for us as every day on the water is one less day parked in an office cube :) .
Day 1 Thursday paddle Mulilteo to Bush Point area.
Day 2 Friday Bush Point to Joseph Whidbey SP.
Day 3 Saturday Joseph Whidbey SP to (thru Deception Pass) Skagit Island.
Day 4 Sunday Skagit Island to Camano Island SP at WWTA site
Day 5 Monday Camano Island SP back to Mukilteo.

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