Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A December Paddle

Tuesday December 26 we arrive at Joemma SP and what luck, no parking problems at all, in fact the parking lot is completely empty!! We launch at 10:30am in a light rain. It is 45 degrees and a 10-15 knot wind is blowing out of the North, so far everything is working to plan. At noon we arrived at Bishop Point at the south end of Hartstene Island where the nice push we enjoyed suddenly ended. We had to put in some extra effort as we crossed Peale Passage to Squaxin Island paddling against the current and wind. As we rounded the south end of Squaxin there were large congregations of wintering birds. Arriving at Hope Island SP around 1:30pm we again were in luck as every campsite on the island was available. After putting up the tents in a steady rain, we jumped back in the boats and paddled around Hope Island and over to the west side of Squaxin Island for some exploring, again the number and variety of wintering birds was impressive. The afternoon and night proved to be a very good test for staying dry. The light rain turned into a driving all-night rain, (Boston Harbor reported 1.75 inches). The first day’s paddle covered 12.3 nm.

Wednesday morning broke with scattered clouds and a forecast of sun for the next two day’s, oh boy! our gear may actually dry out. It doesn’t get light until 7:30am at this time of the year so the boats were packed and back on the water just past the crack of dawn, 10:30am sharp. Today, we paddle into a light northerly breeze launching from Hope Island heading around the south end and up the eastside of Squaxin Island. Squaxin has been wonderfully protected by the Squaxin Indian tribe from development and is for the most part pristine. Eagles, blue herons, cormorant, gulls, kingfishers, ducks, ducks and more ducks abound. At 1:15pm we take a lunch break at the Lattimer Bridge in Pickering Passage. Back on the water at 1:30pm and off to Jerrell Cove SP we go, arriving at 2:35pm. Again we were extremely lucky to find every campsite available. The day is clear and sunny so tonight will be very chilly, temperatures predicted are for the upper 20’s, there is a light coating of frost on the dock and it’s only 4:30 pm!! Jerrell Cove is a beautifully well-maintained park, it had indoor bathrooms and water available but the HOT showers were unfortunately shut off for the season. The second day’s paddling covered 13.1 nm.

Thursday dawns a very cold, 25-degree foggy morning. The moisture from last night’s fog has left a frozen glaze on everything. With the aid of a hot breakfast and several cups of hot coffee to knock the chill off, we complete the hand numbing cold task of packing the tents this morning. We are on the water at 9:30am in a breeze-less foggy morning. Soon the fog begins to burn off revealing a bright blue sky. We arrive at McMicken Island SP at 11:15am for a quick break and a little exploring. At 11:30am we are back on the water heading for our starting and ending destination, Joemma Beach SP. Mt. Rainier is in perfect alignment with our destination and looks brilliant in the winter sun, a perfect ending to three fun filled paddling days. The final day’s paddle covered 11.2nm.

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