Monday, September 17, 2007

Camano Island State Park

Bill & Rob arrived at Camano Island after a long days paddle. They left at about 7:30 am and didn't arrive at Camano until 3:30 pm. They had to zig zag their route, to try to avoid paddling into the wind and current. They ended up doing about 25 miles. They crossed from Whidbey Island to Camano Island at Strawberry Point in the rain and fog. It was a very gray day with visability under a mile. They were concerned with all the large power boats traveling home after the weekend. On the east side of Whidbey adjacent to the Navel Air Station there is a long strech of undeveloped shortline which is inhabited by a very large colony of Great Blue Hurons that squawked their approval as Rob and Bill paddled by. All is well and the rain stopped long enough for them to setup a dry camp. They will be back at the starting point of their journey tomorrow.

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