Friday, September 14, 2007

Joseph Whidbey State Park

Bill & Rob arrived safely at Joseph Whidbey State Park as planned and camped at the WWTA site. The plan was to leave the first campsite, paddle the 7 miles up to Keystone Ferry dock, take a break and grab a high fat sugar laced junk food breakfast with lots of coffee but the restrauant was closed..bummer!! Again it was foggy in the morning and then burned off about 1pm. On one stretch the currents were with them and they traveled 7 miles in an hour. Then the next 6 miles took them 2 1/2 hours. They are only about 8 miles from Deception Pass and plan to pass through during slack current. Other than the fog, the weather continues to be favorable with another day of ZERO wind. Fortunately there was a little swell coming down the Strait which created a bit of texture on the water. They saw another group of pelicans today!!( Starting to think Florida !). Bill attributes the mild weather conditions to his wearing his Body Boat Blade hat. I've included a satellite photo of their location.

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