Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mercer Island Circumnavigation 3/8/08

Jumped on the water at Lincoln Landing which is located on the north end of Mercer Island, WA. The day is overcast, it's 48 degrees and the time is 11:45am. A great Puget Sound winter day to paddle around the island. Headed south down the west side of the lake then back north along the east side. They keep building bigger and bigger houses along the waterfront, guess the recession hasn't got this crowd. Rounding the south end of the lake it looked like the Boeing plant was busy cranking out 737's there where four of them in the their bright green skin setting on the run way. The Seahawks new training facility on the Renton side of the lake is a very large addition to the shoreline, can't say it adds any aesthetic beauty.. Sun pops out as I near the I-90 bridge to make the last few miles an opportunity to soak up some vitamin D.. I don't see many wintering birds today. Note the cormorants are on guard duty perched on the 'No Wake' buoys that dot the shoreline. The bright yellow daffodils and the redbuds along the shoreline are blooming, the flowering plum and crab apple trees are not far behind. Yep, looks like spring is on her way. That reminds me I have to spring the clocks forward today too! It took me 2 hours and 35 minutes to paddle the 12 1/2 miles today, not bad for a spring tune up paddle.............

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