Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 29 WKC Paddle

This was first WKC (Washington Kayak Club) paddle which I lead this 2008 season. Last night we had wind and snow in the lowlands plus the usual ton'o'snow in the mountains. I was kind of surprised Saturday morning that there where 8 out of the 10 paddlers who signed up for the trip present and accounted for, hardy souls! The forecast was for diminishings winds (10k max), a stray rain/snow shower or two and conditions improving over the next 2-3 days. Launching at Salt Water SP @ 10:00 am for a paddle west along the shoreline down to Redondo. With the sun shinning brightly across the water on Maury Islands Pt. Robinson we paddled thru some bright sunhine followed by a stray rain/hail shower before stopping for a lunch break. The wind and current aided our 45 minute trip back to Salt Water. We were greeted by a pair of eagles, one adult and a juvenile eagle searching for a salmon lunch on our return trip. We got off the water just as a another rain squal passed over us. A good spring Puget Sound paddle, rain, sun, hail, wind and calm.

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