Sunday, September 4, 2016

Canadian Gulf Islands Paddle

April 19-22, 2016, Gulf Islands, BC Canada

Sunny, 75 degrees, Winds: variable w/ minimal speeds

BEWET BC Gulf Islands Trip Report - 6 paddlers.

Day 1: Wheeled our kayaks onto the BC Ferry terminal at Tsawwassen for the 10:10 am sailing to Village Bay on Mayne Island. Offloaded our kayaks and headed to the beach after the 1 hour 15 minute ferry ride. The six paddlers launched under bright blue skies at 12:35 for the 13 mile trip to Cabbage Island.  Stopped at Boat Pass for a lunch/ stretch break before crossing into the Strait of Georgia and continuing south to our first nights campsite on Cabbage Island. Had the island all to ourselves. Experienced beautiful sunsets and the next morning an amazing sunrise.

Day 2: Up, packed and on the water a 8:45 am today. We will experience the significant max ebb current, whirlpools, up wellings in and around East Point and Boiling Reef on the southern tip of Saturna Island. As we headed towards East Point we paddled alongside two 'tourist/ Eco' sailing vessels, no pirates, Capt Hook or Johnny Depp onboard. The group was then warmly greeted by a large contingent of sea lions and one really big beach master who apparently did not approve of us getting anywhere near to his extended family. The currents where particurally strong in this area so we where soon swept far past our bellowing, barking and smelly friends. Stopped at the far end of Narvaez Bay to admire the amazing sandstone bluffs and figures carved into the rock over the milium. After a long hot slog we next stopped at Brooks Point for lunch/break and a stroll around this very nice day use park. Outstanding views of the islands and mountains to our south from this park. The group made it to our Bedwell Harbour (Skull Island) campsite at 3:40 pm after a 15+ mile paddle under very, bright sunny skies and 78 degree temperatures.

Day 3: Easy day today, after two rather long paddles. Today was, practice boat handling skills day as we paddled up to Port Browning and Brackett Cove for lunch and a short 10 minute hike into the little town located there. Restaurant, grocery store, liquor store, gas/bait station and library just some of the shops located there. Once back in camp, some of the group hiked up to the top of Mt. Norman, a longish hike but well worth the views to the myriad of islands one can see from this vantage point. Today we paddled approximately 5 miles.  

Day 4: Last night the predicted weather change occurred and the forecasted rain did come. Up, packed and on the water at 9:45 am we paddled between North and South Pender Island before heading north at Razor Pt under overcast skies. Group stopped along the way to observe a large number of eagles and turkey buzzards feasting on a sea lion carcass, also found a note in a bottle on the shore, no luck reading the note as it was in a language no one in the group recognized. Next stop was Davidson Bay for lunch/ stretch break before crossing Navy Channel back to the Mayne Island side. Proceeded back to the Village Bay ferry dock arriving a couple hours before our scheduled return to Tsawwassen. Paddled 9 1/2 miles.

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