Sunday, March 25, 2012

WKC Paddle Seahurst Park March 24, 2012

A select group of highly experienced paddlers left the beach at Seahurst Park on March 24th for a
three hour tour......
Well, actually six WKC'ers showed up for a 'get the dust your boat' paddle under mostly sunny skies and temp's in the high 50's, could spring really be here ? We paddled north towards the Fauntleroy ferry dock in the face of a brisk 15-20 Kn northerly wind which made for nice 2-3 foot wind waves and an occasional salt spray in our faces before returning to Seahurst. The Sound was covered by what looked to be 60-70 sailboats. The sailboats with their brightly colored sails and a back drop of the snow covered Olympic Mountains bathed in bright sunlight made for a photographers dream picture,unfortunately I was the skill-less photographer taking pictures..
Any how it was a great day to be on the water in the company of fellow paddling buds..

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