Monday, September 7, 2009

Penn Cove WA Sept 2009

I tagged along on a Washington Kayak Club trip today. We were going to paddle off the west side of Whidbey Island at Ebey Landing but it was a bit breezy and with a forecast of stronger wind and thunderstorms ( rare out here) the group opted to paddle the 'calmer' waters of Penn Cove on the east side of Whidbey. Seven paddlers in all launched out into Penn Cove heading first to Long Point then crossing to the west side and Klootchman Rock. By the time we crossed we were surfing 3 and 4 foot wind waves, all very exciting. Had a few folks trying rescues, 'cowboy' reentries ect. A very good day to practice those skills. Stopped at Blowers Bluff for a break and quick lunch then back into the elements for some more windy action. Had a rock garden to test one's skills in on the way back. Good fun, all made back to the launch site safe and sound.

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