Sunday, September 13, 2009

WKC Trip West Sound to Little McConnell Island

Tagged along on a WKC ( Washington Kayak Club) trip from West Sound on Orcas Island (WA) out to Little McConnell island. The island has a great view of Yellow Island to Jones Island SP and many of the little islands west of Orcas. Today we had beautiful blue skies, a minimal breeze and near perfect paddling conditions to just poke along the shore line. Some very cool rock formations, loads of seals and just glad to be on the water with some good paddling buds. By the way that's what left from a very large halibut that met it's maker....

Orcas Island circumnavigation.... continued

In December of 2008 a paddling bud and I started a circumnavigation of Orcas Island (WA), unfortunately the third and final day after leaving from Jones Island we where met with 40-50 mph winds when we got to East Sound and ended our paddle blown up on a beach in downtown Eastsound. You can see the first part of the story on this blog from last December. On Thursday July 10 I finally finished the last leg of that journey. Launching at the public beach next to Lieberhaven resort at 8am I made to North Beach a few minutes before noon. Making a couple stops along the way to enjoy the beautiful vista's of Mt. Baker and the Canadian mountains in the distance.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Penn Cove WA Sept 2009

I tagged along on a Washington Kayak Club trip today. We were going to paddle off the west side of Whidbey Island at Ebey Landing but it was a bit breezy and with a forecast of stronger wind and thunderstorms ( rare out here) the group opted to paddle the 'calmer' waters of Penn Cove on the east side of Whidbey. Seven paddlers in all launched out into Penn Cove heading first to Long Point then crossing to the west side and Klootchman Rock. By the time we crossed we were surfing 3 and 4 foot wind waves, all very exciting. Had a few folks trying rescues, 'cowboy' reentries ect. A very good day to practice those skills. Stopped at Blowers Bluff for a break and quick lunch then back into the elements for some more windy action. Had a rock garden to test one's skills in on the way back. Good fun, all made back to the launch site safe and sound.