Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chasing Gray Whales March 21 2009

Beth, Rob and I launched the boats at Langley, WA after visiting one of the fine coffee&pastry shops (nice caffeine and sugar buzz) and headed north along the east side of Whidbey Island looking for the gray whales that feed in the shallow waters of Saratoga Passage. A beautiful bright, sunny day with little wind and temps in the 50's, great paddling weather. After a 30-45 minute paddle north we cross the couple of miles of Saratoga Passage to the west side of Cameno Island, another favorite haunt for the feeding grays... After a rest stop to soak up the sun we paddled south along Cameno for several miles but no luck in spotting the big fish. One more stretch stop and we head back to Langley.
Here's the url for the site that tracks whales in the Puget Sound, Oregon and BC ""

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