Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Deception Pass Dash

The good folks at Seattle Raft and Kayak held their second annual "Deception Pass Dash" on Sunday December 2. An interesting weekend weather wise around this part of the country, 4+ inches of rain after it snowed 6 + inches Saturday, hurricane force winds with 38 ft swell off the coast and I was thinking no way the Dash is going to happen this weekend for the 104 paddlers who signed up for the race. Fortunately the kayak gods were smiling and gave the SRK folks a long enough weather window to get the event in. What fun, under overcast skies, 35 degrees, spitting snow flakes and 10-15kt winds ( and building ) in the pass 76 racers took off at 9:45am. I finished 44th in a death defying time of 88 1/2 minutes to cover the 6 1/2 miles..

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