Saturday, December 29, 2007

December 2007 Sucia Island paddle

Leaving from Orcas Island in Washington State the day after Christmas my paddling partner and I planned to spend three day's paddling around Sucia Island SP and Patos Island BUT the weather God's had another plan. Leaving on Wednesday from North Beach we paddled under a beautiful blue sky with a light breeze. What a day!! The Canadian mountains in the distance shone brilliantly wrapped in their beautiful winter coat of white. An easy two mile paddle over to Fox Cove on Sucia to set up tents on this sunny afternoon. Finding a campsite was no problem other than the ranger and his family we had the entire island to ourselves. If you ever want to see sand stone formations crafted by thousands of years of wind and waves this is a place to observe that beauity.
Well aware that the weather was going to take a drastic turn towards winter conditions later that evening we were glad to get the tents set up in the sunshine. We did take the opportunity to check out the 10,000+ year old fish, oyster and clam fossils on EV Henry Point. Well worth the hike if you get over to Sucia. Loads of oyster catcher were picking over the rocks on their never ending search for lunch. Eagles, seagulls and cormorants kept us company along with a couple of seals that seemed interested in our presence.
As advertised winter came with a vengeance that evening 30-35 knot winds, snow, sleet and rain as a deep low pressure system passed. Thursday was not a day to paddle so a hike from our campsite up to Ewing Cove on the northeast corner of Sucia was the order of the day. All during our hike the winds were howling and rain was flying sideways but it was a lot warming hiking then setting in a tent reading. Last night was cold and tonight will even be chillier ! Listening to the weather the west end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca had 15+ swell and 5 ft wind waves which was all heading our way for Saturday. A weather window of 15-20 mph winds was forecasted for Friday morning, checking the Washbourne tables also suggested the currents would be favorable around 10am so that was the plan. Friday morning as predicted the wind did subside after another extremely windy, cold night. A few patches of blue sky greeted Friday morning. Packed and on the water by 9:30 the wind was blowing 20 mph out of the west southwest which made the water quite jobbly as we passed between little and big Sucia Islands. Good to get the adrenalin pumping at the beginning of the paddle. A little planning, some warm clothing and a good weather awareness this paddle is a great winter paddle.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Deception Pass Dash

The good folks at Seattle Raft and Kayak held their second annual "Deception Pass Dash" on Sunday December 2. An interesting weekend weather wise around this part of the country, 4+ inches of rain after it snowed 6 + inches Saturday, hurricane force winds with 38 ft swell off the coast and I was thinking no way the Dash is going to happen this weekend for the 104 paddlers who signed up for the race. Fortunately the kayak gods were smiling and gave the SRK folks a long enough weather window to get the event in. What fun, under overcast skies, 35 degrees, spitting snow flakes and 10-15kt winds ( and building ) in the pass 76 racers took off at 9:45am. I finished 44th in a death defying time of 88 1/2 minutes to cover the 6 1/2 miles..