Sunday, December 30, 2012

Harstene Island Circumnavigation Dec 2012

Harstene Island Circumnavigation Dec 2012

A group of four hardy paddlers participated in sixth annual late December paddle. This year we left on December 27th from Joemma Beach State Park (N47 13.620 W122 48.582) which is located on the Key Peninsula in south Puget Sound.  A nice 10 kt breeze under sunny skies accompanied us as we crossed over to Harestene Island and then thru Dana Passage on our way to Hope Island SP.

Hope Island State Park (N47 11.017 W122 55.940) was approximately a 12 nm journey from Joemma. We arrived around 1:30pm and pitched our tents under sunny skies. Plenty of time to check out the historic old farm house located on the island and for a hike along the well marked hiking trails that criss-cross the island.  We had the island to ourselves except for the beligerent gang of raccoons who were playing some kind of war games that required screaming at one another. Sure gets dark early this time of the year ! With a full moon and a coyote or two howling in the distance it hard to believe this quiet little island is surrounded by a heavily populated metropolitan area.   

Gets light around 7 am, so we take our time with breakfast and packing the  boats, no need to start early. As dawn breaks the south side of Mt Rainier is bathed in sunlight and ice and snow turned a deep red as the sun rose. Marine weatherman is again predicting calm conditions with a possible shower and sun breaks. Packed and ready to go, we launched at 10:30ish to continue our journey along the eastern side of Squaxin Island and Harstene Island on our way to Jerrell Cover SP where we will camp for the second night.  Lots of wintering birds, a few seals, eagles and the ever present gulls accompany us on our paddle. A quick stretch / bio break stop at the little park by the Latimer Landing bridge and we complete the 10.3 km paddle to Jarrell Cove around 1 pm.

Jarrell Cove State Park (N47 17.063 W 122 53.105) as did Hope Island SP have Washington Water Trails sites located on them. Since this park is completely empty we opt for a campsite right next to a nice shelter covering three pick nick tables which comes in handy when the rains returned. Jarrell Cove has a nice new bathroom facilities complete with showers ( bring your quarters to feed the showers) and water is available from several spigots located around the camp grounds. Jarrell Cove is located across a small cove from a small marina which seems to be closed this time of year. Only visitor here where a few folks walking their dogs and several deer AND a visitor who arrived after dark in the rain bearing firewood and fermented beverages. THANK YOU Mike might have gotten in trouble at home but four cold, wet kayakers standing out in the drizzle huddled around a campfire were singing your praises.

Up and on our way at 8:30 am the sunlight is reflecting off the snow covered peaks of the Olympic mountains this fine morning, again a beautiful sunny morning. The night time temperatures have not dropped below freezing the entire trip, and during the we have had temps in the mid to upper forties, very pleasant for late December.   Our plan for today is to stop at McMicken Island SP for a quick stretch before crossing Case Inlet on our way back to our journeys starting point, Joemma Beach SP. The 12.2 nm trip successful competes with a 'we cheated death' group hug. If you make it over to Joemma be sure to stop for breakfast or lunch at LuLu's, a dose of local culture is good for the belly and soul.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Deception Pass DASH 2012

This was my 6th year doing the DP DASH. Good to see lots of paddling friends at this annual event. This year there where almost 100 racers paddling all sorts of water craft.
No concern for frost bite or over heating... a nice cool drizzle fell, 38 degrees and  a 15 kt breeze out of the east..
I finished 53rd with a time of 1hr 15 minutes and 45 seconds.......blazing speed for an old guy!