Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Winter Paddle 2011

Pictures are of a 10,000 years old 'rock' fish, dawn over Echo Bay and Dought Pt...
the plan.....
Up and out the door way before dawn, on the road by 5:30 am,
take the 7:35 Anacortes to Orcas Island ferry, head right to North Beach,
launch by 9:05am......
Land at Fox Cove, set up camp, back in the kayaks for a
paddle around Sucia Island.
Day 2: Paddle over to and around Patos Island, hike to the
light house, then return to Sucia..
Day 3: Break camp and head back to North Beach.

the trip report.....
Up and out the door way before dawn, on the road by 5:30 am caught the 7:35am to Orcas. Met up with our friends from Body,Boat,Blade strolled over to one of East Sounds premiere breakfast joints, following a leisurely breakfast we head to North Beach. Boats are packed and we are on our way to Fox Cove by 11:00am. The weather forecast suggests a strong front with high winds will be passing over the islands tonight, as we launch it is a very pleasant day for a paddle. We arrive at Fox Cove, pitch our tents and are back in the boats by 12:30 pm for a trip around the colorful sandstone features of this unique island right in our back yard.
The currents are lively today and either pull against the boats or push us along. Lots of wintering seabirds along the way as well as the usual large number of eagles soaring overhead. As we passed along/under the steep overhanging walls along the northwest side of the island a large chunk of rock gave way crashing into the water WAY too close to us for comfort.. That would
have left a mark!!
As we passed around the east end of Ewing Island we floated by six very large male California sea lions sacked out on the rocks, probably a group of bachelor's waiting for the ladies to return in the spring time.
Landing back in Fossil Bay we call it a day. It's almost dark by 4:30pm so we have just enough day light to line up our gourmet MRE dinners before the night falls. The south south west wind is very noticeable high in the trees on the south side of the bay, situated where we set up our
camp we should be fine when it really gets windy late tonight.
Day 2: Up at the crack of dawn 8:00am and the wind is still howling out of the south southwest, weatherman is saying the winds will subside then pick up again late in the afternoon as a second strong front passes thru the area. The plan to paddle to Patos is deferred until next spring. We break camp, pack our boats and head out into the abyss, well actually the winds are starting to swing around to a more easterly direction and the white caps are easing..
We set our sights on Doughty Point which is about 5 miles away. Only boat traffic this morning are a couple of fishing boats and a coast guard cutter. The wind has almost died down to a breeze and minimal waves to paddle in this morning. We land at Doughty Point and get out for a walk around this park which is only accessible via water craft and has dramatic views all the
way to Canada. Back in our boats we head the mile and a half back to North Beach and the end of another beautiful winter paddle in the Salish Sea. Total miles paddled about 15. Things to remember, the water is shut off for the winter on Sucia. Wildlife seen: loads of eagles, oyster
catchers, seals, the very rare Canadian geese, sea lions, several species of gulls, porpoise, harlequin ducks, and of wintering birds galore.

2012 Race for Your Life

It's a beautiful winter 45 degree January 7th 2012 with little breeze under overcast skies in Seattle for the Third Annual New Year's Challenge. This year as last, there were well 120 competitors out to compete against outrigger canoes, surf skis, kayaks, standup paddle boards, dragon boats, rowing shells, and many other human powered crafts.
I finished in the blinding speed of 81 minutes which was a couple of minutes faster than last year.. ...Lot's of fun, a vigorous workout with a great meal shared by all at the finish line...