Wednesday, December 30, 2009

4th Annual Winter Paddle - 2009

Just completed an annual winter paddle with paddling bud Rob F. This year we paddled around Lummi Island WA. Dec 28th was a cold but beautiful day to be on the water. Launched just north of the Lummi Island ferry terminal and paddled north then down the west side of the island. The lower third of the island is DNR land and is undeveloped and very beautiful I might add. Be sure to poke around Lummi Rocks on your way around the island, well worth it. Today, under bight blue skies and a light breeze ( not the norm for this time of year around here !) we saw several pods of porpoise fishing, loads of seals and eagles. We camped at the DNR site on the southeast side of the island, great camp site and what luck we had it all to ourselves ! Built ourselves a big fire and enjoyed the evening. Must have been 3-4 am and the wind started howling, kind of unnerving being in a tent and hearing the branches breaking and thumping on the ground. Up at 7:00 am although still dark just had to have that coffee and oatmeal and start the packing ritual. Everything is cold and wet from the overnight rain showers. On the water at 8:45 with a brisk wind out of the south southeast to our backs we made real good time and got back to our launch site by 10:15. The pictures are of southwest side of Lummi looking at Lummi Rocks in the distance, our boats on the DNR site and the Lummi Ferry. Total mileage 21 miles.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

2009 DP DASH

This year's 6 mile Deception Pass DASH was a flat, calm water paddle, very unlike last years event. This year 177 paddlers on all kinds of water craft paddled the Dash. This has really gotten to be an event for all the paddling community to get involved with. Loads of goodies where provided by a long list of vendors, along with lot's of good food and hot drink. Had a blast myself, finished this years race in 69 minutes and 17 seconds which was the third time I have participated. First year I finished in 88+ minutes, last year it was 83 minutes in very BIG conditions. The 2010 DASH is scheduled for 12/04... looking forward to it.........