Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lake Washington in January

Jan 24Th and the lake is flat calm. After a week of thick fog in the Puget Sound region this Saturday is absolutely beautiful, 30 degrees and sunny skies ! I paddled today from Holmes Point across the lake to Sand Point NS to meet up with six paddling friends to work on rolls, rescues, and various strokes. This group is headed to Wales in April so some 'wet' practice in the cold water is this sessions goal. Three hours after we started the light starting to fade so it's time for me to paddle the mile and a half back across the lake to my truck. Another good workout and great day to be able to take advantage of this great sport.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3rd welcome 2009 !

A light snow is falling again this morning as I head down to Mukilteo's city waterfront park. The city has really fixed up the park, brand new heated bathrooms are a nice touch in the winter time. Two well fed sea loins watch as I launched at 8:30 am. Paddled north to Whidbey Island then west to Possession Point. The ebbing current colliding with the southwestern 15k winds creates 1-2 foot waves and very nice paddling conditions. A 20 minute Possession Point stretch break, hot tea, a PBJ sandwich and I head back towards Mukilteo. Loads of wintering birds, a couple of seals and one lone eagle soring high above along with two fishing boats are the only 'traffic' one the water today.