Friday, November 9, 2007

Guemes Island Paddle

Another picture perfect Puget Sound day to paddle. Took off this morning at 8:45 launching at a little park next to the Guemes Island ferry dock in Anacortes, WA. My paddling partner and I experienced 15 kt SW winds, dead calm, a lite shower or two and a couple of sunbreaks, a normal Mid November day for this part of the country. We paddled counter clockwise trying to take advantage of the currents on this full moon day. Took a break on Strawberry Island at the Washington Water Trails site which is a beautiful site. Next break we took was at Young Park on the north end of Guemes Island another beautiful park. The park is named after Vietnam war Congressional Medal award honoree. On this leg we saw a very large bull California sea lion fishing for salmon, several pairs of eagles, seals and loads of birds returning for the winter. After the break we headed south and back to our put in arriving at 1:30pm. The Olympic mountains were dazzling as the sun reflected off their new coating of snow. This paddle covered 15.75 statute miles..